Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday!

A joint birthday cake made for myself and a friend on December 4, 2011.
P.S.  This is the largest cake I have created so far!
The entire cake!

Betty's "side" of the cake!

Black and white has a dramatic effect!

My "side" of the cake!

A closer look at the chocolate ages on top!

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Rainbow Cake Pop's Inspiration!

Before the cake pop, there were cupcakes.
A rainbow cupcake!

The inside of this colorful treat!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Fuchsia Wedding

Fuchsia colored cake pops, marbled on the inside, and topped

 with crushed cookies for a bridal shower on August 12, 2011.
The cake pops in a cardboard tray, adorned with tissue paper.

A front look at the tray, displaying my cards!

A closer look at the pops' tops, made from crushed chocolate wafer cookies.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweet 'n' Salty

Rich chocolate cupcakes topped with creamy peanut butter frosting made on August 5, 2011.  Recipe from Ina Garten.
The tasty cupcakes displayed on my new cupcake tree!

A closer look at one of the treats.

Another angle shot.

An angled bird's eye view.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Get Ready to Rumble!

A wrestling ring cake made for a boy's birthday party on July 29, 2011.
The entire cake complete with the ring and wrestlers!

A close up at the plastic toy wrestlers.

A shot at the wrestling logo in the ring.

The First Flowers

Two cakes made for a 1 year-old's birthday party on July 29, 2011.
The small cake made with frosting just for the baby.

The large daisy on top of the cake.

Both of the cakes from the side.

The baby's cake, and the party cake.

The party cake, made with fondant and gum paste daises.

The stacked cake from the top.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

For a Bookworm

A birthday book cake made for an office party on July 28, 2011.

The book complete with the title page, dedication, and bookmark!
The title page of the book.

A different angle to see the side.

A closer look at the bright bookmark!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Marbled Music Notes!

Marbled cake pops decorated with music notes made for a piano recital on July 11, 2011.
The inside of a marbled pop.

Most of the finished pops in the carrying tray.

One of each of the music notes!

A close up at one of the pops.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekly Cake Quotes!

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support! I am going

 to continue posting pictures of my latest creations, plus, I am

 beginning a weekly post on cake quotes! Each week, I will 

 post a funny quote said about cake sometime in the past. This 

 is for no particular reason, just because I need some humor 

 once in a while, am I right?

July 8, 2011:  "A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece." 
-Ludwig Erhard

July 11, 2011:  "I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a    cake."
-Mitch Hedberg

July 18, 2011:  "Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie." 
-Jim Davis

July 25, 2011:  "You know you're getting old when the candle cost more than the cake."  -Bob Hope

August 1, 2011:  "When someone asks if you'd like cake or pie, why not say you want cake and pie?" 
-Lisa Loeb

August 8, 2011:  "How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" 
-Paul Sweeney

August 15, 2011:  "Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me." 
-Audrey Hepburn

August 22, 2011:  "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.  Coincidence?  I think not!"  
-Author Unknown

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Summer...School!

A beach cake made for the last day of summer school on July 7, 2011.

Have a happy rest of the summer!

The edible beach scene on top.

Black and white, at an angle.

A closer look at the sandy beach!

A close up at the fondant towels and starfish.

Up top!

The entire cake!

The bright blue sea!
Check out that view!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Quick Pics!

Pictures of little sweet stuff I make!
Fondant Bow!

Just came back from class... A Carnation, Rose, and Calla Lily!
Flowers from both of my classes!
Pizza cupcakes made for lunch, inspired by Martha Stewart!

S'more Cupcakes Please!

S'mores cupcakes made on July 5, 2011.
Three of the cupcakes posing for the picture!
A close up at the frosted cupcake sprinkled with graham cracker crumbs and adorned with half a marshmallow and chocolate chip! 

A quick snapshot of the campfire treats!

Gum Paste and Fondant Class Cake

My gum paste and fondant class cake made on July 1, 2011.
The whole cake in all its glory!

The roses in sepia.

A close up at the yellow gum paste roses!

A shot of the roses at a bird's eye view!